If you have a hectic lifestyle, you know that being constantly on the go is just part of the routine. However, taking the time for massage therapy in Port St. Lucie FL can be a useful tool that can help you continue performing at your very best. This is due to the fact that a massage can do more than clear your conscience and ease your muscles. Massage Therapy in Port St. Lucie FL can keep your body in tip-top shape to help you - be you!
When your body is dealing with pain, it can be tough to deal with even the most routine errands. A massage can help you overcome these aches and pains by restoring the blood passages to your back, giving those muscles a quick pick me up in the form of oxygen. The result is the all-natural painkiller, endorphins, being released by your brain to bring you back to life.
Healing Massage Therapy in Port St. Lucie FL
At Vital Wellness Center we are proud to have great licensed Massage Therapists on staff. Studies show, and our experience proves, that Massage and Manual Therapy together with Chiropractic care and specific functional, corrective exercises achieves greater results than any one separately. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore normal function to the spine and nervous system and massage helps to restore normal function to the muscles. Massage helps to relieve pain and tension, can lower blood pressure and reduce stress. Manual Therapy can help to facilitate healing in injured areas faster.
Massage and Manual Therapy are effective treatments for auto injuries, sports injuries and chronic pain. Really, any time soft tissue, like muscle, tendon, fascia, and nerves are involved, massage and manual therapy may be recommended to speed the treatment process. Often, very painful or stubborn problems like Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, IT Band Syndrome and sprain-strain injuries like whiplash can be resolved with just a few sessions.
Advantages of Massage Therapy
The advantages of massage therapy are heralded and known across the world. It has been well-documented that massage can treat a large number of symptoms. Just a couple of the advantages that massage therapy can afford an individual include, extremity pain relief, improved blood flow, improved mood, and reduced physical and mental pressure. Massage therapy is also excellent at eliminating the body of toxins. All of the advantages of massage therapy combine to result in an all-natural treatment that can help a person's body perform at its very best in all dimensions of health.
Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic and massage are similar in that they both utilize the careful application of physical force on an individual's body in order to activate the body's healing response. Once these treatments are complete, the body tends to undergo a restoration and any aches and pains are diminished and life becomes increasingly pain-free.
It is not necessary to choose between massage therapy and chiropractic since both are excellent treatments that complement each other well. The key is to be sure that the Massage or Manual Therapist is working closely with your doctor or physical therapist to maximize the benefit. At Vital Wellness Center all therapists meet with your physician regularly to improve your treatment. This team approach ensures that you get the best possible care, all the time.
The reason why massage therapy and chiropractic care work well together is because:
- Massage prolongs the effects of a chiropractic adjustment
- Chiropractic adjustments make it easier for a massage to affect the body
- Improved flexibility between the two treatments ensure the full benefits of said treatments are realized
With therapists trained in many different approaches including trigger point therapy, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM), Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, Active Release Techniques (ART) and sports massage, your treatment is customized to your needs.
Need a relaxing, stress-reducing session? Need deep tissue work for a nagging problem? The Port St. Lucie FL therapists at Vital Wellness Center have you covered! For Massage and Manual Therapy in Stuart, Jensen Beach, and Ft. Pierce, Florida call our office today.
9:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Vital Wellness Center
434 NW Lake Whitney Pl
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986